ジャン=フィリップ・ランベール「梅香堂の小さな音(s0undb1ts at Baikado)」


ジャン=フィリップ・ランベール「梅香堂の小さな音(s0undb1ts at Baikado)」

オープニング・パーティー 12月19(土)日 17:00~

梅香堂では、12月19(土)日より1月11(月)日まで、ジャン=フィリップ・ランベール「梅香堂の小さな音(s0undb1ts at Baikado)」展を開催いたします(下道基行[Air]と同時開催)。

この作品は、聴覚的な刺激をとおして、観客の環境に対する知覚の拡張をめざしている。インスタレーションにふれた時はもちろん、さわがしい日常へ戻った時にも、観客の中に何らかの「音楽」を残していく。 このインスタレーションは、梅香堂の「いま、ここ」で何が起こっているかを感じ、考えるために制作される。 24個の小型スピーカーが天井に張り巡らされ、小さな抽象的サウンドが降りそそぐ。それは時に室外の音を思い出させ、また時には音楽的リズムに通底するシステムを明らかにするだろう。


s0undb1ts system for sound spatialisation (version 10): Norbert Schnell, Emmanuel Flety and Jean-Philippe Lambert (Real Time Musical Interactions – Ircam – Centre Pompidou).
Thanks to Robin Minard and Roland Cahen.
Realisation: PulX at la Tannerie (thanks to N-ZO).
Production: PulX and Jip

Baikado no chisana oto (s0undb1ts at Baikado)

Through auditory stimulation, this works aims at widening the visitors’ perception of the environment, immediately during the experience of the installation, and later when going back to the real sounding world, keeping the musicality in mind.
The installation is carefully adapted to Baikado, to take the place into account and to react to what happens here and now. The 24 little speakers spanned on the ceiling diffuse tiny and abstract sounds, that sometimes remind exterior sounds and sometimes reveal the organisation of underlying musical rhythms.

Jean-Philippe Lambert
His background spans science and music, as well as techniques for live performance. Since 2001, he has done research at Ircam – Centre Pompidou for various projects including Phase and Voxstruments for the Sound Analysis and Synthesis team, and the Real Time Musical Interactions team. He creates lighting, music, software and video for performances, concerts, films and installations. (PulX, The Bakery – Richard Siegal, collectif des Esprits Solubles, Michel Vericel, Premier Acte – Sarkis Tcheumlekdjian, Roland Cahen, Sunday Machine et la demission particuliere). His installations have been presented in various places (Centre Pompidou, le Cube, Scopitone, la Villette, Musee du Quai Branly, ZKM). He has contributed to numerous international artistic events as performer, designer or technical director (Avignon, Berlin, Jerusalem, Kiev, Liege, Lyon, Munich, Paris, Vilnius, Yamaguchi).

PulX collective
This installation derives from the research engaged for the Liki project, by the PulX collective, which led to a live performance associating dance, music and photographs. Liki is now touring, with a larger s0undb1ts system, spanned over the audience and the stage, to cover the whole theatre. Please visit the web site for more information, about the collective, the other projects and the dates for Liki. http://pulx.org

This works relies on the achievement of a specific device which allows to very precisely arrange, in space and in time, a multitude of specific sounds. This device derives from the s0undb1ts, in collaboration with the Real Time Musical Interaction research and development team at Ircam – Centre Pompidou, who originally developed it. We invite you to visit the s0undb1ts blog if you would like to know more about it: http://s0undb1ts.org/

s0undb1ts system for sound spatialisation (version 10): Norbert Schnell, Emmanuel Flety and Jean-Philippe Lambert (Real Time Musical Interactions – Ircam – Centre Pompidou).
Thanks to Robin Minard and Roland Cahen.
Realisation: PulX at la Tannerie (thanks to N-ZO).
Production: PulX and Jip

サウンドを聴く(4分) Play Sound – 4 min.